Mamacita says: 1. BlogHer is eight months away, but I’m already counting down until it gets here! 2. I firmly believe that people who don’t like poetry probably had teachers who didn’t know how to present it. Ditto for Shakespeare. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Shakespeare
Mamacita says: I have just realized that I didn’t update much last week! That is very unlike me, as most weeks I jabber on and on daily, saying whatever is on my mind without regard to propriety or political correctness. … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Welcome back to Quotation Saturday, where I post the words of those who “say it” far better than I can. 1. Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportioned to my … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I’m not much of a political blogger, nor have I any desire to be one, but today’s antics by our elected representatives bring to mind the phrase “taxation without representation.” It also brings to mind this old piece … Continue reading