“This, too, shall pass” is a statement that brings comfort to many of us. It’s a really old adage, originating in ancient Persia. Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln quoted it. “It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his … Continue reading
Tag Archives: rights
Mamacita says: So many of the teachers I’ve spoken to lately are frustrated almost beyond words by their schools’ insistence that they keep disruptive, non-participatory, and often violent students and bullies in their classrooms, to the severe detriment of the … Continue reading
Mamacita says: There are many things that are wrong, in this country. Many, many things. Open a newspaper; listen to the news; all we hear about are the things that are wrong. We should be hearing about them, too; if … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I will never understand why some people feel they have to be so defensive and hostile all the time. These people whine “insensitivity” but the truth is, THEY are the ones who are insensitive. This time of year, … Continue reading