Mamacita says: May you be buried in a casket made from the wood of a 100 year old oak That I shall plant tomorrow. Oh, tis a wondrous thing to be Irish, although the same could not be said earlier … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Jane Goodwin
Mamacita says: Most of you have never seen this picture before. Most of you have never known a time when television wasn’t a 24-hour marathon of programming. This is a test pattern. If you turned on your television after midnight, … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I loathe euphemisms and most political correctness. They cheapen the language. Euphemisms and PC are a kind of censorship, and censorship is the action of a weak, fearful, and ignorant mind. Smart people understand that many words have … Continue reading
Mamacita says: it would do me no good to try and write an introduction to a list of quotations about books and reading, because I’d probably say something about how I consider non-readers to be substandard citizens and card-carrying members … Continue reading
I am so very, very tired. . . . … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I first encountered Gerard Manley Hopkins’ Spring and Fall and Robert Burns’ John Anderson, My Jo in a college course. Unfortunately, the professor was a jaded, bored, boring man who considered himself far too important to be teaching … Continue reading