There Are All Kinds of Enslavement

Mamacita says:  I posted this in 2006, but I’ve been thinking about this same thing all day so here it is again. My blog, my rules. Here’s the post: Is anyone else out there lucky enough to have a job … Continue reading

Elevator Etiquette 101

Mamacita says:  These are, of course, Things Nice People Already Know. Basic Elevator Etiquette for Dummies: 1. Push the appropriate button. If the button is already glowing, do not push it. If you repeatedly push an already-glowing button, everybody will … Continue reading

Love Stays

Mamacita says:  Happy Valentine’s Day. Not because it’s a man-made holiday that exploits the guilt feelings of both men and women and forces them to go forth (or fifth) and spend a lot of money on flowers that will die … Continue reading

This Teacher Loves GLEE, and Here's Why

Mamacita says:  Glee makes me want to sing. Glee even has the power to make me think I CAN sing. But that’s beside the point. When I watch Glee, I switch back and forth with my point of view.  Sometimes, … Continue reading

The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month

Mamacita says:  This day used to be known as Armistice Day, in honor of the armistice that was signed on the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”.  This year, 2010, marks the 93rd anniversary of Armistice … Continue reading

Perfect Hoosier Persimmon Pudding

Mamacita says: Mamacita says: By request (ask, and ye shall receive) here is the persimmon pudding recipe again. Persimmons don’t grow in too many places, so chances are good that most of you have never heard of them.  However, southern … Continue reading