The Shit Epiphany

Mamacita says:  I’ve posted about this one before, but for some reason it’s been running through my mind and making me giggle all last night and was still tickling me when I got up today. When I was younger, I … Continue reading

Mother's Day. Appreciate It.

Mamacita says: I was reading an article somewhere, by somebody*, that stated that no matter how old we get, there are still times when we want our mother. Our fifty-year-old mother. When our mothers are young, we don’t consider them … Continue reading

Big Business Meets Its Match

Mamacita says:  I have seen many versions of this story, but this translation from Paul Coelho’s blog is the best so far. There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village. As he … Continue reading

Wishes, Fairies, Achenes, and Clocks

Mamacita says:  I will never understand why people will pay out the wazoo for lovely nursery-bred flowers to plant, and then pay out the wazoo for someone to kill the lovely golden blossoms that are already growing. Is it because … Continue reading

Dick Clark and Our Sofa

Mamacita says:  Dick Clark has died. This will make little difference to most of you, save that your New Year’s Eve will be hosted by someone else now. But to me, this is another one of so many things, lately, … Continue reading

Self-Esteem is EARNED. So Is Shame.

Mamacita says:  I wanted to put a picture of dysfunctional, misbehaving students here, but I got so angry as I searched for a freebie, I had to stop. Because I’m going to lay it on the line here, so stand … Continue reading