Dear Parents, In this day and age of instant computer access to your child’s progress in the classroom, complete with specifics as to percentage and behavior, please don’t call your child’s teacher daily and ask for an average, at least, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: grades
Mamacita says: Everybody on the basketball team is trying really, really hard. Some of them are displaying amazing skills, while others aren’t quite up to the same level of competence. Some of them can hit almost every basket; others on … Continue reading
Mamacita says: There will always be students who have no idea of their standing in a class; honestly, when a student says to me, “How am I doing in this class? What’s my average?” I want to scream. Even if … Continue reading
Mamacita says: You’re getting an F. How’s that self-esteem today? “Why are you giving me an F,” you ask? I’m not. I just kept score. You earned the F yourself, fair and square. Teachers don’t give grades. Students earn grades. … Continue reading