Mamacita says: You lookin’ for innocence? A long time ago, in a universe far, far away, there lived a teenage girl so naive it was honestly dangerous. She had been nowhere. She had done nothing. The good-night kiss, lips together, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: daughter
Mamacita says: Father’s Day and my daughter’s birthday and my son’s birthday are within a few days of each other. Sometimes, they’re on the same day. That is because calendars are alive and love to mess with us, and because … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Father’s Day and my daughter’s birthday are always within a few days of each other, and this year, they’re on the same day. That is because calendars are alive and love to mess with us, and because those … Continue reading
My daughter sent me this link, and I absolutely LOVE IT! … Continue reading
Mamacita says: 1. I haven’t entered my students’ names in either the online gradebook or the hard copy gradebook yet. I really need to do this because writing the scores on a piece of paper with first names only on … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I am writing this on my new Gateway laptop. Thank you, oh Credit Card Gods, that there was enough room on you for this purchase! My old desktop computer is still in Safe Mode, which is actually good … Continue reading