
Mamacita says:  I have always loved fairy tales. I do not mean the insipid heavily-edited baby-tales, all with happy endings, the Disney-fied versions; I am speaking of the real thing: stories full of blood and guts and red-hot spikes and … Continue reading

What Is Education?

Mamacita says:  It was his third strike for the same offense.  Last Wednesday morning, after class,  I had to play “Plagiaristic Confrontation” again, and it was no fun. It’s never fun. All throughout my career, I’ve listened to teachers brag … Continue reading

The World Is Full of Joyful Noises, Even If We Can't Hear Them

Mamacita says: Today is the last day of the rest of your life  class before finals – next week is final exam week, every student’s favorite week, naturally. I predict that several students will come to class the NEXT week, … Continue reading

Stuff People Say To Teachers

Mamacita says:  I only wish I could include the really great stuff, but until some people are dead, that wouldn’t be appropriate.  And you all know me:  ever appropriate.  Then again, if they continue to annoy me, I might even … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday

Mamacita says: 1.  I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men’s rights. – Abraham Lincoln … Continue reading

Come, Have An Aneurysm With Me!

Mamacita says:  This is my answer to a teacher forum question:  Why does it seem that students have so many issues nowadays?” Many parents don’t want to take the responsibility and administrators don’t want to anger these parents. Too many … Continue reading