Echoes Are Not Educated

A child’s ability to make his/her mark heavy and dark, and to choose among four possible answers all of which were selected by an adult who knows nothing whatsoever about education, is nothing – NOTHING – compared to a child’s ability to sing, to paint, to comfort a friend, to run, to skip, to create, to tell a story, to empathize, to understand, to share, to laugh, to compare, to contrast, to comprehend, and most of all, to connect. Echoes have no originality. Repeating back what was drummed into a child and rehearsed for months is not education. Echoes are not educated. Echoes are inanimate sound wave reflections.

The Root is in the Home

I know that we as a society are being outnumbered and overrun by families that not only don’t teach simple social and fundamental skills at home but also don’t feed or clothe their children properly, and not only expect but REQUIRE the school to do it for them. Schools, composed mostly of kind, caring people who would never let an innocent child sit shivering and hungry, step up and do the parents’ jobs. This means that the primary function of a school – academics – is often left in the lurch as we struggle to not merely help children learn, but to raise them. I don’t know what the answer is. I’m not sure what the question is. But something in our society is very, very wrong, and I’m pretty certain the root of it is in the home.

Hands Off That Already Created Media!

Hands Off That Already Created Media!

Mamacita says: Film/script writers: do not even think of messing with The Twilight Zone. You will fail miserably. I tried to watch the new Peele episodes and turned off the TV. Some things simply cannot be redone or updated or added to, and only a fool would try. Leave them alone.

On a related note: if you decide to sponsor a really good show that doesn’t edit or “cut up” without ruining it, you’d get a whale of a lot more business if you ran a 15-second ad at the beginning and another at the end, and let the show run uninterrupted. Seriously. When I’m watching a show and it’s constantly interrupted and it’s obvious that the show’s content is massively cut, I vow never as long as I live to buy anything that sponsor is selling. Ever.

On another related note: I feel the same way about all movies, TV, and books. Leave them alone. Do not update them. They are already done and are an entity unto themselves. If you think changes would be good, write them yourself and publish on a fanfiction page. Do not mess with another author’s work. The history and culture of other times are part of the charm of watching and reading. Back off, game changers. Write your own original stuff.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.