Maundy Thursday

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. -- John 13:34

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. — John 13:34

Mamacita says:  The semicolon is important here; it separates two distinctly complete sentences that have a connection to each other.  The new commandment is that we love one another.  The second sentence instructs us that we love one another as He has loved us.


Maundy: The ceremony of washing another’s feet

In hot desert countries, barefoot or sandal-wearing people always had absolutely filthy feet.  To wash feet like that was considered a humble, mundane, pretty nasty task.  It also personifies sacrificial love and hospitality.

Honorable Earning vs. Entitlement

I was a student cafeteria worker and I loved it!

I was a student cafeteria worker and I loved it!

Mamacita says:  When something, no matter what, is earned, that is honorable; whereas, getting something because one feels entitled, is not.  Not honorable at all.  Go ahead; bring it on.  I’m standing my ground on this one.

When I was in school, I loved to hang around the teachers and other adults in the building, begging for jobs to do for them; anything was better than recess. I filed papers and graded spelling tests starting in second grade. (I spent much of first grade standing in the corner because of art class) (Another post, when I’ve recovered from it.)

In third grade, I stayed after school almost every night, cleaning desktops and grading papers and – remember this one? – clapping erasers out by the back fence. Sometimes I would be sent across the busiest street in our town to a little gas station to buy cartons of Big Red for my teacher.

Pop came in bottles. There were no cans back tyhen.

Pop came in bottles. There were no cans back then.  They were heavy.  I felt so proud lugging two cartons of Big Red across that busy street to my teacher, after school.

The building was always full of men who asked me lots of questions, none of which I cared to answer because I was not a stupid little girl and I went in there to buy pop for my teacher so take my money thankyouverymuch seeya next week. I loved the responsibility, and kind of resented being reminded to look both ways, etc, because good grief, what kind of little kid doesn’t KNOW those things already?

I always envied the kids who got to clean tables and sweep and rinse trays in the cafeteria. In sixth grade, I was a cafeteria kid, and in return for free lunch got to be treated like a grown-up, with a grown-up job. The cafeteria ladies treated us like one of them, and expected – demanded- quality work, which I found exhilarating.

I was sent back to the classroom about fifteen minutes into the lesson, and my teacher always greeted me with a smile, asked me how it went that day, and set me to work. I felt so grown up.

I guess my point is, I never once thought of myself as a charity case. If I didn’t have the money, I bussed a few tables. There was never a stigma. I never felt picked on. I actually felt good about it because, as I said before, I hated recess and always felt more at home with the adults than with the other little kids.

I know not every little kid would have felt like I did, but I did, and that’s part of my educational story. (In fifth grade, some other kid got to do MY jobs and I’ve still not recovered from the shock.) But in sixth grade, I got it back. Whew.

Today, after going through the school system, and after undergrad and after Master’s and after thirty years of teaching, I still see no harm in a child being asked to wash a table in return for a sandwich. No child should be shamed – EVER – but there is no shame in earning. There is honor in earning.

Fictional Worlds That Are Better Than Ours

Mamacita says:  Some things, I just can’t get enough of, and fictional worlds are one of mine. The real world as fiction in which evil is not tolerated and always defeated is one of my favorite things.

“Uh, Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?” Guess what mine is, tonight.

The real world needs this initiative. We need it more every day. I only wish. I’m supposedly grown up, and I still hope it happens.

“Make your move, reindeer games.”

We need heroes.

Sentient voters must step up and be Avengers today.

Sentient voters must step up and be Avengers today.

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” Whoops, that wasn’t a hero. That was a villain. A real world piece of evil.  A tantrum-throwing toddler placed in a seat of power, on purpose, by people who knew better but chose its opposite.  ON PURPOSE.

Satan and the flying monkeys the undereducated voted into power.

Satan and the flying monkeys the undereducated voted into power.

” How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can’t hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill ’cause it’s fun. You have made me VERY desperate. You might not be glad that you did.”

Nick Fury said it best.

Nick Fury said it best.

Thank you, Nick Fury. You summed up our situation perfectly. Our current resident evil and the flying monkeys under his spell cannot be tolerated. Even Captain America understands the analogy.

More Things I Haven’t Done Yet: Whiny Version

I haven't done it yet, but I'll get around to it.

I haven’t done it yet, but I’ll get around to it. Right now, I’m just whiny.

Mamacita says:  Here we go – a huge childish whine about more things I haven’t done yet.  Some, I will eventually get around to, but others?  When pigs fly.  I am in a lot of pain tonight and more bills came in the mail today, so I am feeling pretty down.  I do my fair share of whining, but mostly about silly or trivial things, like parking meters or drive-through lines or Trump.  This is not a typical list for me.  I apologize in advance.

  1.  I haven’t recovered from the wreck yet.  I still refer to the woman who disregarded her traffic light as the person who tried to murder me and my friend.  I am ashamed of these thoughts but as of this moment I have not been able to forgive her.  Sometimes I think I can and sometimes I think I have and then more bills come and even more bills come and something else hurts and I think about all the things I still can’t do and I get flashbacks to the wreck and I have nightmares about the crash and I know the recovery is far more than physical and I haven’t recovered yet.

2.  I haven’t slept through the night since December 2.  I don’t worry about this one because I learned to do it many years ago and they say it’s like riding a bicycle: you never forget how.

I did it then; I'll eventually do it again.

I did it then; I’ll eventually do it again.

3.  I haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast or Fantastic Beasts yet but they’re sharing the Number One spot on my Movie Bucket List.  The Beast List.

4.  My attitude has not been something I’ve been proud of these past three months.  I’m trying, really I am, but I am still broken, and I’m angry about it.

This is how my luck has been, lately.

This is how my luck has been, lately. You’d be whiny, too.

5.  I still haven’t replaced the washer and dryer.  It’s hard to buy a big appliance without a paycheck.  I won’t be replacing the TV in my home office any time soon, either.  Same reason. Everything seems to break down at once.  Sympathy pains, maybe.

6.  I still haven’t thanked all of you wonderful people for your loving support.  You mean the world to me.  I don’t deserve you right now, but I’m hoping to get better. This person is not me.  This person is not who I ever wanted to be.  I want myself back.  It will happen.

7.  I haven’t been “me” for months.  What I’ve been isn’t anyone I’m proud of.  Please be patient with me.

8.  I miss my students and colleagues at the college.  I will never NOT miss them.  I hope to go back this summer, and get back in the swing of teaching and being taught.  It’s not just the students who learn in a classroom, you know.  Interacting with and listening to students over these past years has taught me more than any undergrad or graduate class ever did.  There’s no way they could have.  To learn how to do this right, one has to jump in with both feet and listen. On a related note,  I have never NOT shown my students how to blow things up for the past eight years.  I will be enthusiastic to the max when I’m back in the classroom. Put your hands over your ears.  Fair warning.  I love my job.

9.  I have never liked chili.  Mom used to fix it for us and I didn’t like it then and I like it even less now.  Most people like chili.  I wish I did; it’s fun to make and it smells wonderful, but I just don’t like it.

10.  My dad’s favorite meal was beans and cornbread.  I hated it.  Still hate it.  When I came home from school and the house smelled like beans and cornbread, my heart would actually sink.  Mom made this meal for him at least twice a week; he loved it that much.  Sometimes brown beans, sometimes white beans, always horrible.  A few times in my life I have seen people ordering beans and cornbread in a restaurant.  What a waste of an outing.



My Semi-Pornographic Love Affair With Grammar

sentence diagram, judgment, Jane Goodwin

Sentence diagramming is really helpful. It’s also fun.

Mamacita says:  I love a good turn of phrase. I can be swept off my feet by it. I can be swayed and influenced and converted and my vote can be purchased and my virginity can be compromised. . . .um, pretend you didn’t read that part. . . .

Language is power, and a pen is more powerful than any Ollivander wand. I love wit and whimsy and sarcasm. I love a quotation that knocks my socks off. I love WORDS. I love their meanings and their origins.  I love how a word and a person both have histories. I love all the things that can be done with words. I love making them into adjectives and adverbs and nouns. I love the “kick” of a strategically placed interjection. I love how the grammar, snob, English grammarchoice of a tiny preposition can change the focus of an entire book. I love how a comma can turn a legal contract into the opposite of what a careless reader believes it to be. I love dictionaries. I love to play with a thesaurus. I love the preciseness of grammar, and I love how that very preciseness gives us the ability to be witty, and whimsical, and how it not only lets our imagination soar, but also allows us to share what we discover as we soar.  Figurative language depends on grammar for accuracy;  metaphor, simile, hyperbole, alliteration, personification, etc., are awesome only if they’re done well.

Did I mention how much I love a clever turn of phrase?  Literally and figuratively; I love words.  You do understand the difference between literally and figuratively, don’t you?  Of course you do.  I’m going to assume that you do.  Please don’t prove me wrong; it would be quite disillusioning.  I’m counting on your refined inferential skills here.

Even more, I love how someone who KNOWS HOW can take that preciseness and twist it, toss it, and tie it into a knot.  Good writers are a lot like good athletes; once they know the rules well, those rules can be twisted and turned into even more.

grammar, English, language, writing, Jane GoodwinMore what?  More of everything.  There’s nothing in the rule book about Michael Jordan flying through the air like a veritable Peter Pan, but it wasn’t AGAINST the rules, either.  Ditto a good writer.

Occasionally, too, a rule needs to be broken in order to make a point.  This is true in business, as well, and also in our schools.  A leader who doesn’t know when to break a rule is useless, and a writer who doesn’t know when (or how) to break a rule will not be as good a communicator as a writer who understands the language more thoroughly.

I love reading articles about people who are upset because their lack of grammar skills resulted in a lost court case, contract dispute, etc.  Item:  I am not on the side of the person who has chosen to become an adult without any honed grammar skills.  I LOVE it when grammar-ignorant people lose.

One can almost always tell whether a piece of writing is written by someone who knows his/her grammar rules well and has chosen to twist them, or if a piece of writing is written by someone who is just plain ignorant.

Um, I teach writing.  I love my job.

What I mean to say is, I LOVE MY JOB.Jane Goodwin, Mamacita, Scheiss Weekly, grammar

I hope you can tell.

P.S.  Speaking of my vote. . . . I will generally vote for the candidate with the best grammar, my assumption being that the candidate with the best grammar probably studied everything else in more detail and depth, too.  People with good grammar have paid attention.  That’s been my experience, anyway.

P.P. S.  If there are only two candidates, I’ll vote for the one with the better grammar.  It’s that three degrees of comparison rule. . . . A political candidate who can’t put a simple sentence together probably won’t be any good at any other part of the job, either.

P.P.P.S.  “Grammar” is spelled with an “-AR,” not an “-ER.”  The word is “grammar,” not “grammer.”  Unless we are speaking about your grandmother, in which case you should call her whatever she wants you to call her, and spell it however she dictates.

Or unless you are referring to Kelsey Grammer, but we are not discussing adultery in this post.

Fact vs. Opinion

Both statements here are fact.

Both statements here are fact.

Mamacita says:  Fact vs. opinion is one of the units I look forward to, difficult though it can be for my students.  Helping my students understand the difference between a fact and an opinion is one of the most difficult parts of my curriculum. We all want to think that what we personally believe is fact, and everything else is opinion. Until we learn discernment, we stand by “it” because “it” is what/how we were brought up and taught by our elders, and all-too-often, because it’s just how we want “it” to be and the thought that “it” might not is more than our level of discernment can bear.

We are raised in homes with certain values and while those values may be wonderful, and promote honesty and decency and learning, they are still opinions.  Ditto the homes with values that promote lies and adultery and criminal behavior.  Belief in both is opinion.  I know which set of values I personally believe in, but that is my opinion.  And yours.

A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven. In other words, a fact is true and correct no matter what.

A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven. In other words, a fact is true and correct no matter what.

But no matter how firm we are in our beliefs, facts and opinions are not the same thing. There is a huge difference.

An opinion is a statement that holds an element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is not always true and cannot be proven.

An opinion is a statement that holds an element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is not always true and cannot be proven.

“The garden has two rows of red tulips” is a fact. “All those tulips make the garden really lovely” is an opinion.

“Everyone should make a list before going to the grocery store” is an opinion. “Many people make a list before going to the grocery store” is a fact.

Pick and choose your words carefully; adjectives and adverbs can turn a fact into an opinion.

“My new boyfriend has gorgeous red hair” is an opinion “My new boyfriend has red hair” is a fact.   One word can transform a fact into an opinion.

If a thing cannot be objectively proven, no matter how badly you might want to believe it’s a fact, it’s an opinion.  Nobody controls facts.  Nobody dictates truth.  Not your mom, not your grandfather, not your minister, not your rabbi, not your priest, not your best friend, and not your president.  Facts are.  Truth is.  Opinion varies.

Opinions are how you feel about it.  Feelings are not facts.

Generalizations are not facts, either.  If the statement uses words like “everybody,” or “nobody,” or “never,” or “always,” it’s an opinion.

“But Mom, everybody’s going to the party!” is an opinion. “But Mom, Mike and Sue are going to the party!” is a fact.

"Facts are the enemy of truth!"

“Facts are the enemy of truth!”

In spite of Cervantes, facts are truth. (I will always love Cervantes’ quotation, though. Allegory fascinates me, and the Man of La Mancha is one of my favorite pieces of literature.) (And an awesome musical.)  (Not the movie version; you have to see it live.) (My opinion.)

Facts and opinions clash all the time, and most of those clashes are nothing. (Big Macs are better than Whoppers – opinion.  Big Macs don’t have tomato but Whoppers do – fact.)  (Trivial fact that affects nothing important.)  However, if religion or politics are involved, people tend to lose perspective and forget to be discerning. Or even how to count.

“The Baptist church is the only way to salvation” is opinion. “The Baptist church has the largest pipe organ in this city” is a fact, which can be proven with a tape measure. A really big one.

“Full immersion baptism is the only way to enter the Kingdom” is an opinion.  “Many people believe that infant baptism is necessary for salvation” is a fact.  Why?  Because of the adjectives and adverbs.  If an issue is important to you, analyze it carefully.  Make sure it actually represents what you think it represents.  Make sure it represents what you actually believe.  For this, you need discernment.

Discernment is a learned skill that helps us understand the different between truth and lies, between fact and opinion.

Discernment is a learned skill that helps us understand the different between truth and lies, between fact and opinion.

Wishful thinking will not change an opinion into a fact.  Word to the White House. There is no such thing as an alternative fact.  Another word to the White House.

I know that much of life concerns the shades of gray that often lie between fact and opinion, but even so, an intelligent nation MUST know how to discern that.

Issues of any kind are clashes between fact and opinion. Please understand the difference. Not everybody loved Raymond. Don’t be afraid to challenge your belief system. If questions and banter and debate threaten to topple your belief system, maybe you need a new one. If you belong to any kind of organization that frowns on questions, run, don’t walk, away.  They’re hiding something.  They’re afraid of toppling.

Facts don’t topple. And nobody can say “because I said so” except your Mom, and that phase should be gone by the time you’re eight.

Not a good defense for anyone over the age of 8.

Not a good defense for anyone over the age of 8.

People with no discernment skills are easy to persuade, easy to boss around.  They believe what they want to believe and they’ll follow anyone who advocates their same beliefs.  They tend to be very literal. They are sheep, and sheep are stupid.  Large mobs of sheep are dangerous.  They want and even need to be led.  They find leaders who are seeking these people.  They want a leader who is persuasive and they’ll do almost anything asked of them.  Remember Jim Jones? Beware.

Drinks for the undiscerning!


People who know how to discern can be difficult in an environment that values obedience and kow-towing and instant belief.  They know how to read between the lines.  They comprehend inferentially as well as literally. They are thinkers and self-starters.  They are creative and artistic and literate.  They are the hope of the universe.

So, what’s the best way for a person to be?  That would, sadly, be a matter of opinion.  I hope mine shines through.  I have no control over yours.

On the bright side, you have no control over mine, either.  I know how to discern.  Sometimes, after some thought, I change my mind.  But never over a fact, my friends.  20 items means 20 items.  If you have 21 items, you don’t belong in the short line.  And that is a fact.

Discernment teaches us inferential skills, and context clues, because the same word in one context is a completely different word in another context.  Super literal people have trouble understanding this.  Lack of this skill is dangerous.

In common use almost every word has many shades of meaning, and therefore needs to be interpreted by the context.  — Alfred Marshall

Remember third grade, learning how to use a dictionary, and how even tiny little simple words could have two pages of meanings, no two alike, depending on the context?  And how you had to understand the context so you could understand what that little word meant this time when it meant something else last time?

Context is king.

Context is king.
