Mamacita says: If someone could please tell me why we should continue to put up with, ie enable, adults who feel they’ve somehow got a right to be jerks in public, I’d appreciate knowing. I’m not talking about people … Continue reading
Category Archives: Things Nice People Already Know
Mamacita says: It worries me that so many of our students don’t have enough schema to make simple connections – at least, what were once considered simple connections. You know. Those people, places, events, and stories that EVERYBODY knows? … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I worry about the future. I worry about the future for different reasons than most people’s reasons. I worry about the future because present generations aren’t learning about the past. Seriously. Our students don’t seem to have anything … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Here are Ten Things I Haven’t Done Yet. Still. At this point, why hurry? 1. I still haven’t ever used an ATM machine. Someone told me you had to put money in there to get money out. Well, … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I used to look at my young students every day and wonder what they went home to every night. Sometimes I did know, and my heart broke for them daily. With others, I had no idea. When a … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I hate to think I’m turning into a fogey, or, even worse, am already there, but it seems to me that people are getting more and more ignorant by the minute. It doesn’t seem as though they’re doing … Continue reading