Things Nice People Already Know: Willy Wonka Had The Right Idea

Mamacita says:  I simply do not  comprehend the mentality of parents who view the toy department of a store as a daycare center for their children.  Sure, shopping is a lot easier without the kids, but unsupervised children tend to … Continue reading

Mamacita Says: Where Are All The Sidewalks?

Mamacita says:  Neighborhoods are supposed to have sidewalks.  Period. I don’t know what kind of schooling our urban and suburban designers “graduated” from, but their education has been sadly lacking.  Neighborhoods are supposed to be just that:  NEIGHBORhoods.  These days, … Continue reading

Ten Things Tuesday

Mamacita says: 1.  I’m tired. 2.  I have forty essays to grade before I can go to bed. 3.  It’s almost 3 a.m. 4.  They are not good essays. 5.  They are, in fact, terrible essays. 6.  Spell-check is not … Continue reading

Negative Improvement

Mamacita says:  We used to be big fans of Noble Roman’s Pizza.  We’d drive thirty miles to the nearest city, just to eat there.  We felt this way for many years. Then one day we drove up there to Noble … Continue reading

Mamacita Says: Cursing Over Cursive, Or, Rather, The Lack of It

Mamacita says:  It really bothers me; it bothers me way out of proportion; it bothers me TERRIBLY, that so many elementary teachers refuse to teach cursive handwriting now. There are many reasons for this, the three biggest being lack of … Continue reading

Things Nice People Already Know

Mamacita says: 1.  If you bring a lot of little children to a restaurant, and all of them are behaving beautifully except for one, and that one is in a frenzy of determination to rattle the boat and keeps pinching … Continue reading