Mamacita says: Back when I taught sixth grade – and y’all will find this hard to believe – there were times when it was really difficult to get those kids to follow even the simplest of directions. Verbal directions. . … Continue reading
Category Archives: The real Mamacita
Mamacita says: Watch out for the language on this one: Justin Smythe, 44, was arrested in California a few years ago, and freely admitted that he’d given a 13-year-old girl enough booze and drugs to loosen her up so he … Continue reading
Mamacita says: it would do me no good to try and write an introduction to a list of quotations about books and reading, because I’d probably say something about how I consider non-readers to be substandard citizens and card-carrying members … Continue reading
Chiggers, where the sun don’t shine. . . . … Continue reading
Mamacita says: It’s Labor Day and I don’t feel like laboring, so I’m re-running this semi-pornographic post from Valentine’s Day, 2006. As an English teacher, I’ve spent my entire career talking about various grammatical forms, including one we call the … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Before I say anything else, I want to send a huge, grateful shout-out to Mocha Momma! You should all be reading her blog anyway, because she’s great, but add to all that, I’ve won a laptop from her … Continue reading