Euphemisms Cloud the Issues

Mamacita says:  Oh, is it time to be politically correct again? At school? Well, if we must. . . . Now don’t any of you be offended. I mean, “euphorically-challenged.” No one fails a class any more; he’s merely “passing … Continue reading

Too Bad, So Sad. . . .

Mamacita says:  So many people have emailed me (doesn’t anybody comment any more?)  about the following lines from a previous post that I decided to feature them by themselves.  Yes, my readers are the boss of me. There is such … Continue reading

Freeeeeeedommmmmm. . . . .

Mamacita says:  I posted this in 2006, but I’ve been thinking about this same thing all day so here it is again. My blog, my rules.  What up, dawggggg? I admit it: too much Scrubs. Here’s the post: Is anyone … Continue reading

Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.

Mamacita says:  Regarding any educator at any level, in any capacity, and in any kind of economic region, who is not making an effort to be extremely computer-savvy. . . . shame on you. I know first-hand what kind of … Continue reading

Is Your Child A Civilized, Sentient Person?

Mamacita says:  Don’t get me wrong. I believe in testing: to a point. I do not believe that a student who can’t pass a simple test of basic skills should be graduated from high school. I do not believe that … Continue reading

Mamacita (The Real One) Rants About Wiggly Kids and Recess and Stuff

Mamacita says:  Some of this was first posted on June 30, 2007, but my opinion hasn’t changed since then, and I’ve added a few more opinionated Mamacita-isms. Are you surprised? I didn’t think you would be. “No two people are … Continue reading