This Teacher Loves GLEE, and Here's Why

Mamacita says:  Glee makes me want to sing. Glee even has the power to make me think I CAN sing. But that’s beside the point. When I watch Glee, I switch back and forth with my point of view.  Sometimes, … Continue reading

Blue Balls

I’m running this again because that house down the road has put up those depressing blue lights again. Mamacita says:  A house down the road from us has deep blue lights festooning its shrubberies, hanging from the eaves, and framing … Continue reading

Things Nice People Already Know: Go To The Back of the Line!

Mamacita says:  The Post Office is really busy at this time of the year. People are standing in long lines, waiting to buy stamps and mail packages.  Everybody knows how busy the Post Office is at this time of the … Continue reading

The Discovery Channel is responsible for many of my nightmares and disillusionments

Mamacita says: I used to be a hippie, you know. Now, I’m just hippy. I’m almost out of detergent, but if I tear open the two little sample packages of Tide that came in the washer when we bought it … Continue reading

The Education Buzz

Welcome to the November 24th edition of the Education Buzz! Every two weeks, the Buzz will bring you a list of education-themed links to help you keep current; after all, how can we form viable opinions about the state of … Continue reading

I Am Not A Crazy Cat Lady. Yet.

Mamacita says:  I see no real harm is a cat in the kitchen unless it walks across your plate.  Or sheds a lot.  Or thinks it’s a human and demands its own place setting and chair, but I can deal … Continue reading