Mamacita says: I worry about the future. I worry about the future for different reasons than most people’s reasons. I worry about the future because present generations aren’t learning about the past. Seriously. Our students don’t seem to have anything … Continue reading
Category Archives: Scheiss Weekly
Mamacita says: I’m going to miss the huge shagbark hickory tree in the front yard (we’re moving) but I am so tired of walking on nuts. I’m tired of hearing them flop and fall all over the place. I’m tired … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Here are Ten Things I Haven’t Done Yet. Still. At this point, why hurry? 1. I still haven’t ever used an ATM machine. Someone told me you had to put money in there to get money out. Well, … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I used to look at my young students every day and wonder what they went home to every night. Sometimes I did know, and my heart broke for them daily. With others, I had no idea. When a … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I hate to think I’m turning into a fogey, or, even worse, am already there, but it seems to me that people are getting more and more ignorant by the minute. It doesn’t seem as though they’re doing … Continue reading
Mamacita asks: Where do these family traditions get started? Remember that anecdote about the young bride whose husband asked her why she cut the beef roast in half before she put it in the pan? She told him she did … Continue reading