Explaining about Santa Claus

Mamacita says:  My daughter was seven when she asked the question I’d been dreading for seven years:  “Mommy, is there really a Santa Claus?” However, thanks to Caroline Quiner Ingalls, I knew exactly how to answer her.  And, this answer … Continue reading

Thanksgiving, Part the Seventh

Mamacita says: This painting by Norman Rockwell, is quite possibly the most well-known image of Thanksgiving that most people know. I wonder how many of your realized that Rockwell almost always used live models, and that most of those models … Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving: Cornucopia

Mamacita says: The cornucopia, or horn of plenty, has such a wide, fascinating, and diverse history that you’ll just have to look it up for yourselves, because there’s not enough room here. I do love words, expressions, traditions, etc, that … Continue reading

Thanksgiving, Part the Sixth

Mamacita says: When I first saw this picture, I was a small child and all I could think was, “Why were this mother and son seated at the same table with roughshod strangers?” Because this seems so odd to me. … Continue reading

Thanksgiving, Part the Fifth

Mamacita says: Many people believe this is a Norman Rockwell painting, but it’s not. It was painted by artist Douglass Crockwell, and even though their surnames and style are similar, they are definitely two different people. And, with the mother … Continue reading

Thanksgiving, Part the Fourth

Mamacita says: Maybe we all need to focus on the good things in our lives more than we dwell on the bad things. A little gratitude can really pep up the ol’ attitude.  Oh, and it’s okay to express thankfulness … Continue reading