Mamacita says: May you be buried in a casket made from the wood of a 100 year old oak That I shall plant tomorrow. Oh, tis a wondrous thing to be Irish, although the same could not be said earlier … Continue reading
Category Archives: Scheiss Weekly
Mamacita says: This coming week is Midterm Week, and while I know for a fact that every single solitary thing mentioned even in passing on this test has been thoroughly covered, I also know that this is the first college … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I know that there are some teachers out there who feel that they are, in some lofty intellectual way, somehow superior to the students they teach, and to most of their students’ parents, for that matter.. When … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I am basically a kind person. I would lie down in the road if I thought that would help some people. I work overtime to help students. I still do my children’s laundry, and I feed them whenever … Continue reading
Mamacita says: My children, of whom I often speak on this blog, aren’t really children any more. I know this perfectly well, but sometimes when I write of them – the cute things they’ve done, etc. – I tend to … Continue reading
Mamacita says: After a full day of dire blizzard predictions, friends all over Facebook have been posting pictures of cars and doghouses and shrubberies buried in snow. What have I been doing? Looking out of my kitchen window and seeing … Continue reading