Censorship is for Chumps

Mamacita says:  If I owned the biggest and best thesaurus in the universe, I still would not be able to find a word accurate enough to fully express my disgust and loathing of book banning and censorship, nor of the … Continue reading

Classroom Tips for the Hovering and the Worried

Dear Parents, In this day and age of instant computer access to your child’s progress in the classroom, complete with specifics as to percentage and behavior, please don’t call your child’s teacher daily and ask for an average, at least, … Continue reading

. . . So I Blocked Her on Facebook

Mamacita says: I had to block someone on Facebook last night. I’ve only ever done that a few times, and it always makes me feel like I’ve failed somehow, even though I tried my best to be nice. Mom used … Continue reading

10 Things I Care Absolutely Nothing For

Mamacita says: 10 things I care absolutely nothing for might seem like a negative topic, but it’s actually quite therapeutic. Almost like a purge. 1. The Kardashians. Honestly, if there was never another word or picture of a Kardashian or … Continue reading

Let’s Start School During the Hottest Days of August!

Mamacita says: School has started now for most public school students. If someone could give me a sound, logical reason for starting school during the Dog Days of August, I’d love to hear it. A reason that had nothing whatsoever … Continue reading

Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and Asses: How Cocky!

Mamacita says:  When I was in the third grade, I read “Peter Pan.” It’s not all the sugar-coated cuteness Disney would have you believe, my friends. It’s a wonderful and fascinating and intimate look into the brain and psyche of … Continue reading