Only the Stupid Fear Questions

Mamacita says: Warning: I’m in a bad mood. I’m sick and tired of a handful of people taking all the joy out of the majority of our children’s school experience. I maintain that if a family is that insecure and … Continue reading

Mamacita (The Real One) Rants About Wiggly Kids and Recess and Stuff

Mamacita says:  Some of this was first posted on June 30, 2007, but my opinion hasn’t changed since then, and I’ve added a few more opinionated Mamacita-isms. Are you surprised? I didn’t think you would be. “No two people are … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: Stars. . . in your multitudes, scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light. . . .

Mamacita: I know that the rest of this song is about being inflexible, but these few lines are, indeed, about the stars.  (Javert meant well, but was too inflexible about human nature.)  Lately there have been  a myriad – a … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: Curiosity

Mamacita says:  Children are naturally curious.  With each passing day, an infant is more and more curious about what’s going on in the world around him/her.  When is this happening?  When is that happening?  And, later, WHY is this happening, … Continue reading

Signing Off, Signing On, Test Patterns, and the Peacock

Mamacita says:  Most of you have never seen this picture before. Most of you have never known a time when television wasn’t a 24-hour marathon of programming.  This is a test pattern.  If you turned on your television after midnight, … Continue reading

Fifi Says "Thank You," Too.

Mamacita says:  She looks pretty good to be 32 years old and full of superglue, doesn’t she. A few years ago, I thought I would try something new, so I put a twinkly-lights-covered star on top of my tree. It … Continue reading