Quotation Saturday: A to B

Mamacita says:  I know, I know; it’s not Saturday. Saturday slid past me like a wet peeled potato, so I’m doing Quotation Saturday on Sunday. I’ve had far worse lapses. . . . 1. No two persons ever read the … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: Randominities

Mamacita says:  Some people don’t like quotations. “They’re not original!” or some such, blahblahblah. I like a good quotation. They make me more original.   A good quotation is a thought made sharable. I’ve been collecting quotations since I was in … Continue reading

The Presidents Speak

Mamacita says:  For Presidents’ Day, I thought I’d feature a quotation from each of our presidents.  No matter what our personal opinion of a president might be, he is the leader of our nation and the position, if not the … Continue reading

Hope is the Thing That Is Left to Us, In a Bad Time

Mamacita says:  I have discovered another wonderful website: Letters of Note.  This site is edited by Shaun Usher, whom I would invite over for dinner every Tuesday and Thursday night if only he knew I existed, but of course he … Continue reading

Back Off – Your Kids Don't Need An Adult Best Friend

Mamacita says:  I can remember being really little, and I can remember my parents playing with me. (Those are my parents; aren’t they pretty?) They played with me whenever they could, but it wasn’t very often. I can remember Mom … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: Imagination

A lot of Saturdays have come and gone lately without Quotation Saturday.  How have we managed to cope, I ask you all. . . . Since I stand firmly with Albert Einstein’s “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” this Saturday’s … Continue reading