Quip Pro Quo: A Fast Retort

Mamacita says: First of all, I despise censorship. Banning books is akin to banning people; both are abhorrent to the collective intelligence, and both bring us down as a culture. It’s one thing for someone to decide that a certain … Continue reading

Them There Words What Be Correct

Mamacita says:  It’s 2:30 in the morning, and I have to get up in a few hours and go to school, and be all enthusiastic about punctuation. The thing is, I AM enthusiastic about punctuation. It’s important. It tell us … Continue reading

Picasso Passes

Mamacita says:  This is my favorite Picasso*, and it hangs in the foyer of my home. I’ve loved it for many years; a copy hung in the men’s side of my college dorm, (I still love you, Willkie Co-op!)  and … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday, on Sunday Again

Mamacita says:  You all know by now that I love a good quotation. Words have such mighty and majestic power: they can make us laugh; they can make us cry; they can make us cower in fear, or stand tall … Continue reading

Less Ignorant Daily, and the Education Buzz

Mamacita says:  The latest Education Buzz (formerly Carnival of Education) is now up over at Bellringers, and if you are a parent, student, doctor, lawyer, construction worker, fireman, or any of the other Village People or citizens of the planet, … Continue reading

Too Bad, So Sad. . . .

Mamacita says:  So many people have emailed me (doesn’t anybody comment any more?)  about the following lines from a previous post that I decided to feature them by themselves.  Yes, my readers are the boss of me. There is such … Continue reading