How am I doing in here? What’s my grade?

Mamacita says:  There will always be students who have no idea of their standing in a class; honestly, when a student says to me, “How am I doing in this class? What’s my average?” I want to scream. Even if … Continue reading

Those Who Burn Books Will, in the End, Burn People.*

Mamacita says:  Banned Books Week is coming up this month – Sept. 30 – Oct. 6, 2012.  It always saddens me to be reminded that there are such huge hordes of ignorant masses in the United States, and yet, sigh, … Continue reading

BlogHer 2012: My Perspective

Mamacita says:  I’ve only just returned from New York City, where the best BlogHer conference yet was held.  While I may be home now, my head and heart are still mingling with the 5,000 women (and men) in the Hilton … Continue reading

I Love Little Pussy

Mamacita says:  People with tiny, limited vocabularies scare me. I am positive that these are the people who melt down in public and starting stabbing everyone within reach. It’s a fact that the person who throws the first punch generally … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: The Snarky Arts

Mamacita says:  Ah, the Arts. Without them, we’d all spend our money on Flintstones mudflaps, gas station black velvet Elvises, Billy Ray Cyrus, ceramic geese (seasonal clothing extra) and anything with Lindsey Lohan, and think THAT was art. Sadly, some … Continue reading

The Shit Epiphany

Mamacita says:  I’ve posted about this one before, but for some reason it’s been running through my mind and making me giggle all last night and was still tickling me when I got up today. When I was younger, I … Continue reading