There Are All Kinds of Enslavement

Mamacita says:  I posted this in 2006, but I’ve been thinking about this same thing all day so here it is again. My blog, my rules. Here’s the post: Is anyone else out there lucky enough to have a job … Continue reading

Things I Still Haven't Done Yet

Mamacita says: what’s the hurry, anyway? 1.  I have never used an ATM machine.  I have a feeling it would be the beginning of a bad personal habit. 2.  I still have never watched a single Survivor-type show.  Still not … Continue reading

Too Much Discussion Makes Me Think, and We Can’t Have That!

This post is dedicated to Bitchie Lou, a student from a few years ago whose babyish behavior, constant whining,  and terrible manners have earned her the title of “Worst Student I’ve Ever Had, So Far.” This is not a title … Continue reading

Mom's The Word

Mamacita says:  I was reading an article somewhere, by somebody*, that stated that no matter how old we get, there are still times when we want our mother. Our fifty-year-old mother. When our mothers are young, we don’t consider them … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: Imagination

A lot of Saturdays have come and gone lately without Quotation Saturday.  How have we managed to cope, I ask you all. . . . Since I stand firmly with Albert Einstein’s “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” this Saturday’s … Continue reading

Did you learn anything interesting today?

Mamacita says: This is five years old, but it’s still a good random sample of my day.  Remember, helping students make connections is my “thing,” but it helps when they have something to connect things to.  Sometimes I think a … Continue reading