Maundy Thursday

Mamacita says:  The semicolon is important here; it separates two distinctly complete sentences that have a connection to each other.  The new commandment is that we love one another.  The second sentence instructs us that we love one another as … Continue reading

Honorable Earning vs. Entitlement

Mamacita says:  When something, no matter what, is earned, that is honorable; whereas, getting something because one feels entitled, is not.  Not honorable at all.  Go ahead; bring it on.  I’m standing my ground on this one. When I was … Continue reading

Fictional Worlds That Are Better Than Ours

Mamacita says:  Some things, I just can’t get enough of, and fictional worlds are one of mine. The real world as fiction in which evil is not tolerated and always defeated is one of my favorite things. “Uh, Shakespeare in … Continue reading

More Things I Haven’t Done Yet: Whiny Version

Mamacita says:  Here we go – a huge childish whine about more things I haven’t done yet.  Some, I will eventually get around to, but others?  When pigs fly.  I am in a lot of pain tonight and more bills … Continue reading

My Semi-Pornographic Love Affair With Grammar

Mamacita says:  I love a good turn of phrase. I can be swept off my feet by it. I can be swayed and influenced and converted and my vote can be purchased and my virginity can be compromised. . . … Continue reading

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mamacita says:  Why is this day a holiday in most communities? (This community has only just recently started acknowledging MLK Day as a holiday; for years, none of our schools closed.) (They still don’t close for Veteran’s Day.)  (The colleges, … Continue reading