. . . So I Blocked Her on Facebook

Mamacita says: I had to block someone on Facebook last night. I’ve only ever done that a few times, and it always makes me feel like I’ve failed somehow, even though I tried my best to be nice. Mom used … Continue reading

10 Things I Care Absolutely Nothing For

Mamacita says: 10 things I care absolutely nothing for might seem like a negative topic, but it’s actually quite therapeutic. Almost like a purge. 1. The Kardashians. Honestly, if there was never another word or picture of a Kardashian or … Continue reading

Let’s Start School During the Hottest Days of August!

Mamacita says: School has started now for most public school students. If someone could give me a sound, logical reason for starting school during the Dog Days of August, I’d love to hear it. A reason that had nothing whatsoever … Continue reading

Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and Asses: How Cocky!

Mamacita says:  When I was in the third grade, I read “Peter Pan.” It’s not all the sugar-coated cuteness Disney would have you believe, my friends. It’s a wonderful and fascinating and intimate look into the brain and psyche of … Continue reading

Blogging Is Dead? Says Who?

Mamacita says:  Blogging is dead?  Says who?  Blogging may have changed, but bloggers still rule the internet.  Bloggers are helping people form viable opinions, giving people first-hand information, helping people make purchasing decisions based on word-of-mouth and actual “regular people” … Continue reading

The Facts of Life. The Real Ones.

Mamacita says: Not all facts of life are about sex. The sex facts, kids believe. (They have a hard time believing WE had sex, but the facts? They’re okay with those.) It’s these other facts of life they think we’re … Continue reading