
Mamacita says:  I have always loved fairy tales. I do not mean the insipid heavily-edited baby-tales, all with happy endings, the Disney-fied versions; I am speaking of the real thing: stories full of blood and guts and red-hot spikes and … Continue reading

Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and Asses: How Cocky!

Mamacita says:  When I was in the third grade, I read “Peter Pan.” It’s not all the sugar-coated cuteness Disney would have you believe, my friends. It’s a wonderful and fascinating and intimate look into the brain and psyche of … Continue reading

The Monsters Are Real. They Are Good For Us. They Can Be Overcome.

Mamacita says: Once upon a time there was a girl who loved to write. She spent the first few years of elementary school standing silently beside the teachers’ desks, mutely holding out sheet after sheet of paper on which she … Continue reading

The Maladroit

Mamacita says:  I’ve been reminded of this classic fairy tale several times this week. It started when I got out the Christmas things and found a few broken ornaments. The breaks were simple, so I got out the little tube … Continue reading