Let’s Start School During the Hottest Days of August!

Mamacita says: School has started now for most public school students. If someone could give me a sound, logical reason for starting school during the Dog Days of August, I’d love to hear it. A reason that had nothing whatsoever … Continue reading

Wiggly Little Boys, Recess, Harry Potter, & Epiphanies

This is a rerun, but it’s an issue I wanted to discuss again. “No two people are alike, and both of them are damn glad of it.” Mamacita says:  That’s a quotation; that’s not me saying “damn,” although I frequently … Continue reading

Grammar is a Language Art

Mamacita says: I will have to say that if I were on that jury, I, too, would consider that statement to be one of admission of guilt. Parse that statement and the double negative would, as in math, create a … Continue reading

Our Ancestors Were Immigrants. Live Up To Them.

Mamacita says: Oh please, society, let us learn from the past, just a little bit?  Because those in charge of those in charge of the education of our children are doing it all wrong.  Real education has nothing to do … Continue reading

Kids Who Read, Succeed. In Spite of School.

Mamacita says:  I hated elementary school, and by “hated” what I really mean is, well, HATED. I learned to read when I was really little, but I have never read as most other people do.  When I read, I look … Continue reading

Happy Easter 2014

Mamacita says: Happy Easter, everyone. What? Oh, oops. . . . . Here. This is more like it. I do love those vintage Easter postcards. I hated growing up and finding out that those baby kittens were probably going to … Continue reading