About Jane Goodwin

Writer, Speaker, Social Media Liaison, Hands-on Science Teacher, Absentminded Professor, Education Advocate/Critic, Mommy. My veins are replete with Diet Coke.

Nick Fury Gets It

Mamacita says: We have a tantrum-throwing toddler placed in a seat of power, on purpose, by people who knew better but chose its opposite. ON PURPOSE. ” How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a … Continue reading

America Has No King

The Founding Fathers of America Mamacita says: Our country’s founders were adamant that it NOT be ruled by a king, hence the limited terms, lack of regal protocol, and very necessary checks and balances. America has no king. America has … Continue reading

This, Too, Shall Pass

“This, too, shall pass” is a statement that brings comfort to many of us. It’s a really old adage, originating in ancient Persia. Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln quoted it. “It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his … Continue reading

Why Are People So Helpless?

Mamacita says: Why are people these days so darned helpless? As I re-re-re-re-re-re-re- read my super old YA novels for the kazillionth time, it impresses me again that almost every pre-teen and teen in these books knows how to cook, … Continue reading

Easter 2020

Mamacita says: Happy Easter, everyone. What? Oh, oops. . . . . Here. This is more like it. I do love those vintage Easter postcards.  Mom used to buy the Easter Ideals every year, and I loved the poems and … Continue reading

Super Easy Homemade Bread

Mamacita says:  So, y’all want to learn how to bake homemade bread?  You’ve come to the right place.  Wash your hands.  We’re going to bake enough bread for you to have some, freeze some, and give some away. Now, get … Continue reading