Mamacita says: I have done little but sew masks, monitor websites and answer questions, and care for Mom since mid-March and my poor house shows it. In happier news, instead of doing housework during today’s break from packing things up … Continue reading
Jane Goodwin
Mamacita says: Hypocrisy, anyone? It seems to me very odd for someone who professes to be a Christian – or any kind of religion based on love – to continue to support someone whose very being and substance is based … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Back in college, in a world history class, the professor told us that in his experience, good ol’ undereducated white people fear the educated minority for many reasons, one of which is that “. . . if this person … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I used to wonder how in the world the German people could watch their government commit atrocity after atrocity and do nothing, how they could see it and know it was diabolical and be helpless to stop it. … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I was reading an article somewhere, by somebody*, that stated that no matter how old we get, there are still times when we want our mother. Our fifty-year-old mother. When our mothers are young, we don’t consider them … Continue reading
Pippa Passes, by Robert Browning Mamacita says: Welcome to my TEDTalk. Something Joe Trester wrote a few days ago has stayed with me. People, we never know what kind of influence we have on others whose existence we barely know about. Robert … Continue reading