Mamacita says, and most emphatically, I might add: Your body is none of my business. Abortion was never for me, but my own body is the only body I have legit jurisdiction over. Well, unless you’re wearing those hideous super … Continue reading
Jane Goodwin
Mamacita says: Size doesn’t matter. It’s never mattered. Age doesn’t, either. Now, don’t get me wrong. There are circumstances wherein both age and size DO matter, (ya pervs ya) but what I am talking about here is education. Classrooms. Curriculum. … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I know there are tons of honest, worthy charities out there, and I understand that one of the ways some of them make their money, and quite legitimately, is via the mail. However, HOLY COW, charities. Mom’s mail … Continue reading
Mamacita says: After we read a story about colors, I once gave my 8th graders Pantone swatches and told them to find their skintone. Big shocker: nobody was white and nobody was black. The students were genuinely surprised and loved … Continue reading
Mamacita says: For this first Quotation Saturday of 2021, here are some quotes about the New Year: 1. It depends on us. Another year lies before us like an unwritten page, an unspent coin, an unwalked road. What pages will … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Happy New Year, dear friends, both seen and unseen, both here and elsewhere. Happy New Year to you all. I’ve been blogging for almost 17 years now. I’ve made many new friends, some of whom I’ve met in … Continue reading