About Jane Goodwin

Writer, Speaker, Social Media Liaison, Hands-on Science Teacher, Absentminded Professor, Education Advocate/Critic, Mommy. My veins are replete with Diet Coke.

It Takes a Village, and We Are That Village

Mamacita says:  I think sometimes that if there had been online journals, blogs, when I was raising my children, I might not have made quite as many mistakes. Often, during those years, I felt very isolated. I was sure that … Continue reading

Goody Two-Shoes and the Enablers

Mamacita says:  I am no Goody Two-Shoes, but I am basically a kind person. I would lie down in the road if I thought that would help some people. I work overtime to help students. I still do my children’s … Continue reading

Small Vocabulary = Small. . . . . Brain*

Mamacita says: A person who advocates censorship probably has a small vocabulary.  People with small vocabularies don’t have the understanding nor the schema to comprehend things that people with big vocabularies have no trouble understanding and applying. I can’t help but … Continue reading

Bad Ending? No. Just, No.

Mamacita says:  My nerves can’t take a movie with a bad ending.  It’s to the point that I will usually check out the ending online before I go to the theater rather than chance another notch on my “bad ending” … Continue reading

Fruit and Words and Time and Helping Verbs

Mamacita says:  I’ve always been more than a little bit obsessed with sci fi, particularly when it’s about time.  Time, and fruit, both of which need helping verbs.  They do.  So do you. That picture up there?  I’ve always liked … Continue reading

Where Did the Real Music Go?

Mamacita says:  Where did the music go?  Our children, and some of you, don’t know any standard American songs or basic classical melodies that everybody used to know.  What happened?  How did we allow this to happen?  It didn’t used … Continue reading