About Jane Goodwin

Writer, Speaker, Social Media Liaison, Hands-on Science Teacher, Absentminded Professor, Education Advocate/Critic, Mommy. My veins are replete with Diet Coke.

Quotation Saturday: Back to School

Mamacita says:  It is a sad and sorry thing that most public school children have been back in the classroom for a week or two, or more, by now.  Even though many schools are still not air-conditioned, kids have been … Continue reading

Community College: Overcoming the Odds

Mamacita says:  The community college is one of the best things that ever happened to higher education.  Go ahead – turn up your nose and be all snobby about it – but it’s true and you know it. So many … Continue reading

I Never Knew My Grandmother

Mamacita says:  I never knew my grandmother. Oh, I knew the woman who bore my mother and my aunt and my uncles, but I never knew the woman she really was.  I only knew the woman she became after the … Continue reading

Quotation Saturday: The Glorious Fourth

Mamacita says:  No matter what the weather might be where you live, today is the Glorious Fourth.  It’s not the weather that makes it glorious. 1.  America, thou half-brother of the world, with something good and bad of every land.  … Continue reading

Wallowing in Nostalgia

Mamacita says:  I don’t know why I’ve been wallowing in nostalgia lately, but I might as well go the whole route and talk about the day I became an adult.  This has nothing to do with the day I grew … Continue reading