Let’s all cultivate an attitude of gratitude and use it all the days of our lives. Thanksgiving isn’t really just one day, you know. It’s just the one day wherein we are all reminded that EVERY day is a day … Continue reading
Jane Goodwin
Mamacita says: I love cats. They are essential to my happiness. Such small, soft, dainty, playful little creatures, and yet they control the workings of the universe and rule over all they encounter, often when we don’t even realize what’s … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I tell my students that words have histories, just as people do, and, just like people, some words have more complicated and even interesting and often disturbing histories than others. Our histories shape us, but sometimes the shaping … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Ah, the Arts. Without them, we’d all spend our money on Flintstone mudflaps, gas station black velvet Elvises, Billy Ray Cyrus, Duck Dynasty fashion, Melania Trump anything, Donald Trump baseball hats, and anything with Lindsey Lohan, and think … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Old school? Me? Yes. Thirteen years ago, in April of 2004, a former student told me that I should start a blog. “You’ve got such a lot to say about the world,” he said. “Who cares what I … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I would really so much rather be known as a kind person, an educator, a nerdy science-y person, a person who loves people, and I believe that I am, as much as possible. I try, anyway. However, when … Continue reading