Mamacita says: I have super powers, but they’re not the super powers I would have chosen. They’re not the super powers I wanted. If I had been allowed to choose my talents, I would have picked singing, dancing, and astronaut … Continue reading
Jane Goodwin
Mamacita says: Today I wish to discuss hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of some people’s ancestral pride. So many people are interested in and curious about their DNA origins, paying out good money to be analyzed and labeled. . .it’s a fad … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I repost this every year on the anniversary of the Challenger explosion. My school was excited beyond all measure about the Challenger. A TEACHER was going into space, and this was unheard of. The students were thrilled to … Continue reading
Mamacita says: Democracy and government are much in the news these days, so Quotation Saturday is focusing on them. 1) America needs fewer laws, not more prisons. – James Bovard 2) War is just one more big government program. – … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I’m a pretty easy-going person, regardless of what you may have heard from people who know me well, but there are some things that really annoy me. Some are major; some are minor. Most of these are petty. … Continue reading
Mamacita says: I’ve posted about this subject before, but with the approach of holiday season, it’s on my mind again, so I’ve written a new post about this same thing. This is important. Proper behavior isn’t always fun. Nice people … Continue reading