“It’s a blessing and a curse.” Mamacita says: I love context. I have a tendency to “take things apart” when it comes to poems, songs, and all kinds of writing. (Everything else, too, but mostly word things.) This is, as … Continue reading
Jane Goodwin
Mamacita says: There are, of course, many huge important things I have never done, and there is no way I could possibly list them all. However, there are also many small, minor, unimportant things I have never done, most of … Continue reading
It’s Poetry Friday! At long last! Mamacita says: Emily Dickinson knew me, and Katie Rose IS me*; that’s the only explanation. How else could she have. . . . known? This first poem helped me understand faith. The second confirmed … Continue reading
While it is true that I tend to rant and rave about how far too many students (one is too many) can’t read or write or add two numbers together, and how far too many students (one is too many) … Continue reading
Mamacita quotes from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: Act 1, scene 2, 15–19 Caesar: Who is it in the press that calls on me? I hear a tongue shriller than all the music Cry “Caesar!” Speak; Caesar is turn’d to hear. … Continue reading
Mamacita says: It’s Valentine’s Day, and since many people associate this day with Cupid, let’s talk for a moment about the REAL Cupid. Well, the real mythological Cupid. Cupid is not a fat naked baby, flying around shooting arrows into … Continue reading