I'll get around to it. . . .

I’ll get around to it. . . .

Mamacita says:  There are still so many things I haven’t done yet; every time I make a list about this, I feel more and more like I am quite possibly the most boring person in the world.  Probably because I AM the most boring person in the world.

  1.  I still haven’t watched a single episode of Game of Thrones.  Sometimes I am tempted to peek but then I remember that I do not do blood, guts, betrayal, violence, decapitation, backstabbing, rape, murder,  suspense, torture, or horror, and I back away shuddering at the close call.
    This picture and quotation scare me to death. No.

    This picture and quotation scare me to death. No.


  2. I have never seen The Walking Dead nor do I ever, ever want to.  See #1 for reasons.
    No. Just, no.

    No. Just, no.

    3.  I haven’t watched Mad Men, although I probably will in a few years when the DVD’s get super cheap or it shows up on Amazon Prime.  I am in marketing so the appeal is there and it is magnetic.  I also own the soundtrack cd and it’s bloody awesome.

    Yes, definitely, eventually.

    Yes, definitely, eventually.

    4.  Orange is the New Black?  No.  Not into prison shows unless Morgan Freeman is paroled and says “I guess I just miss my friend.”

    "I guess I just miss my friend."

    “I guess I just miss my friend.” (This is not OITNB)

    5.  So far, everything here has been about shows I have never seen.  So on a different note, I have never seen a Graham Norton re-run that I didn’t absolutely love.  The man is brilliant and his program format is fantastic.

    I love this man.

    I love this man.

    See?  Not everything on this themed thread is negative!  And I do love several TV shows; sadly, few of them are still shown except on YouTube or DVD.  Which is fine by me because I hate commercials unless they are brilliantly and superbly written.

    The world could do with a little more television snobbery.  You know it.

    And now, back to our regularly schedule programming. . . .

    And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. . . .

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.