Mamacita says: If some variety in your weather is what you are seeking, you need to live in southern Indiana. We have the most fickle of all possible weathers here.

Indiana weather is fickle!
I can’t tell you how many months I drive to work in the morning with the heater on, and drive home that afternoon with the air conditioner on. I always keep a folded blanket in the trunk of my car, and a cardigan in the back seat. With the folded blanket, there is always a hand-held fan in case it gets too warm for the heater but not warm enough for the air conditioner. I also keep socks in the trunk in case my feet get cold. Which they usually are.
Hoosiers learn early on to wear layers, because we need our sweaters at the beginning of the day, and we need our sleeveless dresses and t-shirts at the end.
Often in summer, it’s in the forties in the morning and the nineties in the afternoon. That’s quite a span, mathematically speaking.
In southern Indiana, our thermometers are always on the move.
If you think I’m exaggerating, come visit me. You’ll find out.