Mamacita says:  There are so many things that are so absolutely none of my business – or yours – and here are just a few:

not my circus, not my monkeys

1.  How you feed your baby.  The world is full of people who are very interested in how you feed your baby, to the point that they will physically assault you in public if they see you doing so in a way that they do not personally approve of.  The fact is, how you feed your baby, as long as you do feed your baby and your baby is thriving, is nobody’s business but yours and your baby’s.  Breast?  Fine.  Bottle?  Just as fine. Wet nurse?  Cool. Everybody butt out.  Seriously.  BUTT OUT.

mind your own business, Anne Landers

2.  How you shop for groceries.  The world is full of people who are very interested in how you shop for groceries, to the point that they will handle the food you have placed in your grocery cart and tell you that you’re doing it wrong.  The fact is, the food you are buying, as long as your family is eating well and reasonably healthy, is nobody’s business but yours and your family’s.  Organic?  Fine.  GMO?  If that’s what you have chosen.  Vegetarian?  Your business, not mine.  Everybody butt out.  BUTT OUT.

ain't nobody's business if I do

3.  What you are wearing on the beach or at the pool.  The world is full of people who are very interested in what you are wearing on the beach or at the pool or anywhere, actually, to the point that they will actually throw a towel over your shoulders or snap a picture to post on social media without your knowledge or permission.  The fact is – and this isn’t really  a fact; it’s just my opinion – that what you wear, wherever you are, is your own business.  I do think people should be respectful, both in the wearing of and in the critiquing off, but ultimately, clothing is nobody’s business except the person wearing the clothing.  I am very sensitive about my thighs and upper arms, and have too much regard for the feng shui of the universe to allow that much cottage cheese-like skin to be seen – I don’t even like to look at it – but that’s just me, and if you aren’t as sensitive as I am, go for it.

Benjamin Franklin's coin,the Continental Currency Dollar

The Continental Currency Dollar

4.   What you are eating or drinking. The world is full of people who are very interested in what you are eating or drinking, to the point that some of them will walk right up to your table in a restaurant and tell you that you’re putting poison into your body or – gasp – into your child’s body.  If you walk up to me and tell me I’m killing myself or my child with my Diet Coke, or my cheeseburger, or my child’s Happy Meal, I will probably smile, toast you with it, and carry on with my lunch.  If you then go further with me on this subject, I’ll call the police and have you taken where you don’t get to choose your own health food and will be grateful for what you do get.  And by the way, what are YOU doing at McDonald’s?  Having a salad?  That sounds like fun.

This is only four things that are none of my business – or yours – but that’s enough for one post.  Let’s give these people a few days to calm down before we give them more fodder for their heart palpitations over things that are none of their business.

In the meantime, I think I’ll have some french fries and yet another big Diet Coke.  At 11:00 p.m.  Care to join me?  No?  More for me, then.

Enjoy your bean sprouts and kale.


Have I ever told you how glad I am we’re not enemies?” Eragon asked. “No, but it’s very sweet of you.”  — Christopher Paolini, Brisingr

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.