icy branches Mamacita says: After a full day of dire blizzard predictions, friends all over Facebook have been posting pictures of cars and doghouses and shrubberies buried in snow.  What have I been doing?  Looking out of my kitchen window and seeing nothing but consistent, pouring rain,  grey skies, and a big. thermometer stuck at 41 degrees.  Where was this predicted blizzard?  It was like living in a doughnut hole.  Dangerous levels of snowstorm all around us and weather that would support an ark in the middle.

I’ve been jealous all day.

Then about a half hour ago,  I opened the front door and saw it: our cars covered with snow-covered carssnow and the snowflakes so thick I could barely see the glow of the porch light across the street.

It was breathtaking.

Adding to the beauty of the storm were the two phone calls cancelling our respective snow dayschools for tomorrow.

If you’re too old to appreciate a snow day, you’re truly old and there’s no hope for you.

If you have school-age kids, please let them sleep in and then play.  Snow days are best experienced while smiling.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.