Snickers Bites Mamacita says: I have never been a person who gorges on candy. I can go for months without any candy at all. Sweet things have never appealed – I would rather have sour things. Red plums, little sour grapes, green apples, lemons. . . these are my snack foods of choice. However, every few months, I get a real hankering for candy, and my favorite purchased candy is, without a doubt, Snickers.

Now, not only am I not interested in a lot of candy at once, all the time. . . . I am diabetic, so even if I did long for lots of candy, I couldn’t have it.

Snickers Bites have changed my life.

With Snickers Bites, I can have my favorite candy. I can. The “bites” are big enough

Snickers Bites, stacked

to count as real candy indulgence, but the “bites” are also small enough that one or two every once in a while will not harm me.

Now, don’t think that diabetics get a free ride with Snickers Bites.  No, we don’t get a free ride with any kind of candy.  It’s just that with Snickers Bites, it’s so easy to just eat one or two at a time, and walk away.  One or two Snickers Bites are enough.  

It would depend on how severe your diabetes is, of course.  Check with your doctor, naturally.  Mine told me that since I don’t have much of a sweet tooth anyway, one or two Snickers Bites once in a while would be just fine.

Snickers Bites are better than just fine, you know.  Snickers Bites are divine.  They’re so delicious, your taste buds will swoon.  They’re also a lot softer and fresher-tasting than a full-size candy bar.

Serious goodness that even some diabetics are allowed to love.  My life is great.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.