Thanksgiving anywhere, Scheiss Weekly, Mamacita, Jane Goodwin Mamacita says: When I first saw this picture, I was a small child and all I could think was, “Why were this mother and son seated at the same table with roughshod strangers?” Because this seems so odd to me. I’ve only known one restaurant in my life that seated people with strangers during rush hour so it could serve more customers, and even though the food there was wonderful, I was so uncomfortable being required to sit with strangers, I seldom went there unless there were no other options for my schedule that day.

Now, of course, I can see the lovely lesson represented here. And I can also see that the artist has clearly shown us that even though people have different customs, etc, it costs nothing to show a little respect when someone does or says something we personally don’t practice or believe in.

Also? If we are truly thankful, we can have Thanksgiving anywhere.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

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Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.