Mamacita says:  The problem with the night AFTER Christmas is the word “after” in regard to Christmas.

The best part of the season is the anticipation.  The weeks and days building up to it, the lists and the baking and the songs and the packages appearing on the front porch as the UPS and FedEx drivers beep their horns and wave. . .the lights and the candles and the ornaments, each with its history. . . the smiles and the planning and the cards. . . all these and more, in preparation, climbing up and up to the summit which is the actual DAY, and then you’re there and after all sisters and their families have gone back home, what then? The journey really is more important than the destination, isn’t it.

The actual Day, wonderful as it may be, is kind of sad, and the day after is a heartbreaker.

Until the out-of-state relatives get here, that is.  YeeHAW, I’m looking forward to that!



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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.