Mamacita says:  I have never been able to understand why some people consider other people’s business to be their business, too.  I mean, shouldn’t they at least wait to be asked before chiming in with an opinion, piece of advice, or any kind of diatribe?

Some people prefer paper; others prefer plastic.  Is it any of my business?  No.  I prefer paper – the kind with handles – but it’s still none of your business.

Cloth diapers?  Disposables?  Honestly, was there EVER a topic less anybody’s business other than the one who has to do all the diaper-changing?

Does it really matter how we dress our children as long as they’re protected from the elements and decently covered?  It does not.  If you don’t like the way my children are dressed, that’s too bad.  I think your kids look like little hookers and pimps, but I’m not going to tell you that.  My kids got to choose their own outfits, and it didn’t bother me in the least that my son wore sweat pants until 5th grade or that my daughter spent most of her “at home” time in a frilly full slip.  Big deal.  As for how they dressed when they played outside in hot weather. . . well, it was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it, kids.

Note:  if you DO allow your kids to go out in public dressed like pimps and whores, don’t act all shocked or surprised if someone tries to buy the advertised product.  The world is full of ignorance and perversion, and parents who let their kids dress like that are, in a way, both.

Are you in love with a man?  A woman?  A man who used to be a woman?  A woman who used to be a man?  I don’t care.  I have all kinds of friends, and I like them all.  None of that is any of my business.  Or yours.

Did you choose to breastfeed your kids?  I think that’s lovely.  Did you choose to bottlefeed?  I think that’s lovely, too.  Really, it’s none of my business how you fed your babies, and it’s none of yours, either.  Fighting over which method is best is silly, childish, selfish, and makes me think you’re not all that secure or confident about your own choices.

If your kid is parking his Harley, hanging his leather jacket over the back of a chair, grabbing a bag of Fritos and a ham sandwich, ogling a Playboy, and then demanding to be breast or bottle-fed, expect society to give you the stinkeye, but even so, it’s still nobody else’s business if you’re a bunch of weirdos or not.

Worship however you please – or not.  Drive any kind of vehicle you want.  It’s none of my business what brand of cheese you buy.  It’s none of my business if your kids know Harry Potter by heart, or if you have banished all things HP to the back of the line behind your row of Disney fairy tales, because of their witchcraft and spell content.  Wait, was that in HP or in your Disneys?  Hmmm.  Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo was a spell, wasn’t it.  Oh dear.

Speaking of inconsistency – that’s really the only thing I despise.  If you’re going to ban Harry Potter ,because of the witches and evil, you’d better not have Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, etc, in your home, either, because if you ban one and not the others, you’re a hypocrite.  And I loathe hypocrisy.

Even so, it’s still none of my business if you’re a hypocritical git.

Do what you want.  Let others do the same.  Back off.  Shut up.  Lay off.  Etc.

The majority of what other people do is none of your business.  Live your own life, and don’t throw stones unless you’re perfect, yourself.

That would, of course, be nobody.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.