fireworks1Mamacita says:  Happy Independence Day. And if you do not believe in that, then, Happy Fourth of July.

Everyone has a fourth of July. It’s right there between the third and the fifth, so none of your lip now. . . .

I was looking at all the black burn marks on the deck today and wishing the kids were still little and out there making more.  Our deck is covered with many years’ worth of black burned Fourth of July spots. Isn’t everybody’s?

Please tell me your deck is covered with black spots too?  From bottle rockets and snakes and all kinds of fun noisy things?

Well, mine is, and I love the memories.

I’m afraid to ask about your sidewalk, because, well, mine has a lot of black spots on it from those “snakes” the kids used to burn when they were little. I like the spots, because they make me remember those giggling little kids, watching the coiling black snakes with big laughing eyes. The kids, not the snakes.

I’d rather have the spots, and the memories, than a life full of pristine “things.”

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone. Please be safe, and happy. Don’t step on the hot sparkler wires on the ground. Watch out for the tiny kids; sometimes they bite and keep them out of harm’s way.

I love you all. Happy Independence Day!

Shhh, listen!  Do you hear freedom ringing?  I do.

Let’s all work hard to keep it so.  Let’s not wait until we’re at the funeral home and it’s too late to say “I love you” to someone until another horrendous crisis to rally together and love our country in public.

P.S.  Loud pops, bangs, smoke, and cool colors aren’t necessarily dangerous.  Here are some great ways your kids (and you – who are we kidding?) can have a great time making loud noises and playing with smoke and cool stuff!  You’re welcome.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.