Mamacita says: what’s the hurry, anyway?
1. I have never used an ATM machine. I have a feeling it would be the beginning of a bad personal habit.
2. I still have never watched a single Survivor-type show. Still not interested.
3. Ditto for Oprah, and even less interested.
4. The Christmas wreath is probably still on the front door; we never use the front door, so I really couldn’t tell you for sure. If you stop by, and the wreath is still there, please lift it down and lean it against the porch wall. I’ll no doubt find it when I hide the Easter eggs.
5. I’d like to tell you all that I still haven’t ever peeked at the answers in the back of a crossword puzzle book, but the fact is, I did. Last week. So much for that claim to fame. Only once, though.
6. I still haven’t outgrown my fascination with and liking for Spencer Gifts.
7. I still enjoy the electronics section of a store more than the clothing section.
8. I’m sorry, but I still snort when teachers get all excited while they tell me about fascinating new and innovative theories or techniques for student engagement that are nothing but recycled and renamed old stuff that’s being marketed and sold as something that will definitely work even though it failed miserably the first few rounds. On second thought, I’m not really sorry. I’m just kind of amused and judgmental.
9. I still haven’t gotten tired of reading and re-reading the Harry Potter books. Every time I re-read a beloved book, I discover something new. I know most of them by heart now. I usually try to memorize literature I love; then I’m never without it. If you are a teacher who doesn’t believe in memorizing, there’s nothing much you could have to say that would make any impression on me because you’re a lazy idiot please go sit somewhere else because you smell really, really bad.
10. I’ve never had a root canal, and I hope I haven’t cursed myself by putting that in writing.