Mamacita says:  The Post Office is really busy at this time of the year. People are standing in long lines, waiting to buy stamps and mail packages.  Everybody knows how busy the Post Office is at this time of the year.

That being said, WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE OLD WOMEN * IN THERE TODAY?  I’m talking to you, old women with bags full of unwrapped gifts, holding up the line while they ask for a box, ask for tape, ask for styrofoam, ask for labels, and then stand there still holding up a long, long line while they pack the box, tape the box, label the box, and mail the box? On behalf of myself and all the nine million others in that line who did all of those things at home before we drove to the Post Office: That’s NOT how it’s done! Do all of that before you go there! Everybody in line hates you! And stop trying to have lengthy conversations with the busy clerks who are trying to wait on people! Are you that lonely? Go volunteer somewhere.

*I’m not being sexist or ageist or any other -ist that might be on the tip of your tongue; every guilty person in there today was an old woman.  I do not blame their age; I assume each woman was clueless & inconsiderate when young, too.

Honest to boo, how ignorant does a person have to be to do this?  Pretty darn ignorant, I’d say.

Only my innate good breeding keeps from using the word “stupid” to describe these people.

Only my kind, sensitive nature keeps me from using even more descriptive words.  But I’m thinking those words, oh yes, my precioussssss, and so was everybody else in that long, long line today.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.