Mamacita says:  These particular scum-sucking spawn “humanoids” are once again being discussed in the Blogosphere, so I’m re-running my own take on them.  I refer to Michael and Debi Pearl.

I beg of you all, do not buy any books by these people. (link removed on advice from much smarter person than me.) I have seen other blogposts and articles that expose these people for what they really are, but I think this is the first time I’ve posted my opinion here.  (I call them “people” only because of my innate good breeding.  I do not consider the authors of this book “people” at all.  They are monsters.)

Michael and Debi Pearl. They are the Child Abuse Gurus of the uneducated and ignorant masses.

Follow their advice and you can murder your children in the name of blatant stupidity love. Beware of stupid people with masters and weapons.   Kool-aid, anyone?  Thrust your babies into the fire that YOU might enter paradise?

Show your deep and abiding love for your innocent little infant by hitting him with a stick and drawing blood. Be sure you lower the blinds first, because you know how those nosy neighbors like to call CPS on you. Choose your weapon carefully; you don’t want nosy daycare workers to see any welts. PVC plumbing pipes are good for hitting. Pull his hair out. Pinch him till it bleeds. Bite him. THAT’LL teach him to go to sleep when you tell him to; he’s four months old already and it’s time he’s aware of who’s in charge. It’s all about control, and showing your kids who’s the boss. And when your kids are too young to understand words, you can be sure they’ll understand pain. Train them like the dogs they are.

Dear Lord. Do not let these people get any more followers. They are evil, and they prey upon the ignorant. Their book is nothing more than a handbook for sadists and child abusers, with lines of scripture thrown in here and there to fool those who are easily fooled by such tactics. It’s the same tactic used by the KKK in their brochures. They are banking on you not being smart enough to understand what they are really saying.

I am not saying that we should let our children be the bosses. No way. I think by now you all know my opinion of brats. But I am saying that an adult who can be the boss only by inflicting pain on a child, or an INFANT, is a mighty poor excuse for a human being. And a supposed authority figure who not only encourages it, but TEACHES PEOPLE HOW, is evil personified.

Please, all you supposedly good and reputable websites who are allowing these people to advertise on your site: No more. Their presence on your website is bringing you down and reducing your credibility to the lower depths. Surely their money doesn’t mean THAT much to you? Although, if the ads remain, I guess it does, huh.

I know that there are people who claim they can take ‘some’ of these people’s advice and ignore the rest. No, you can’t. The mere presence of this book in your home is creepy. Heck, we can find good advice here and there in anything. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Let’s love our children, and teach them by example. Let’s discipline them gently. Let’s not draw blood and raise welts and end each day with a handful of soft child’s hair in our hands, and a little toddler’s blood in our teeth.

Just thinking of these people makes me cry. And thinking of these people also makes me furious, at them, and at anyone who follows their violent and sadistic methods.

Let’s go home and hug our children. That’s “hug” them, not beat them.  Unlike the Pearls, I do not believe in disciplining little children with whips, chains, and blood-letting.

I hope there is a Hell that will give this couple, and all who follow them, exactly what they deserve.  EXACTLY.  Let them spend eternity being treated as they treated their own children and advised the ignorant to treat theirs.

As for the ignorant who follow their example, I do not feel sorry for you, either.  I hope you end up in the next cell beside the Pearls.  It’s one thing to be ignorant and hurt only yourselves, but when you are ignorant and hurt little children on purpose, you deserve precisely the same treatment.

Bah.  These people make me sick.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.