Things I Haven't Done Yet Mamacita says: Oh, I am such a backwards, provincial thing!

1.  I still have never used an ATM machine.  I have a feeling it might be a detrimental skill for me to learn.

2.  I still have never watched a single Survivor-type show.  They all seem more like fraternity hazings to me.

3.  I’ve still not watched Oprah.  Don’t care, either.

4.  I’ve still not given up on people, though Heaven knows I’ve reason enough to.  But no, I still love, trust, and cherish almost everyone I’ve ever known.  Almost.

5.  I still haven’t moved into a cardboard box under a bridge, although we’re getting closer daily.

6.  I’ve still never been to Mexico, although we did cross that big bridge into Canada and back many years ago.

7.  I still have a very difficult time taking seriously anyone who can’t spell or put a sentence together properly. (The occasional honest mistake doesn’t count.)

8.  The only reality show I watch daily is Twitter.  bobby-knight

9.  I still can’t remember that Bobby Knight isn’t here any more.  I’m not a fan; he was just a fixture here.

10.  I still haven’t taken the Christmas wreath off the front door.  I have to wait for it to dry out!  Besides, I’m not done looking at it yet.

11.  Whenever we have snow – like right now – I’m still not over hoping for a snow day, even though I don’t get them now.  The anticipation factor for snow days is too ingrained.  (At the college level, at least one of the four horsemen must be in view before classes are canceled.)

12.  Even though I drive past his house all the time,  and I’m not a fan, I still haven’t stopped getting all happy when I see John Mellencamp in the mall.  (Helloooo, cute bodyguard. . . .)

13.  I will NEVER get used to not going to French Lick for every holiday and staying in that huge fairy tale of a house with all of my in-laws for almost a week at a time.  It’s been many years now, but I still picture how it was, and wish it could be so again. . . .Darn you, Thomas Wolfe.  You’re right, of course, but I don’t have to like it.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.