Mamacita says:
Happy New Year to all of my Blogosphere friends.
We’ll be spending New Year’s Eve, as we have done for the past many, many years, with our best friends, playing euchre far into the night and talking about everything under the sun. It’s a mixed metaphor kind of evening: the very best kind.
I hope all of you are doing something lovely tonight, brand-new or traditional.
Traditions, remember, are lovely things, but important as it is to keep them, it’s equally important to create them.
Have fun tonight, and get home safely.
Tomorrow begins the taking down of all the Christmas things, so I’ll be sleeping in late and inventing tasks to put off the big task that I really don’t want to do.
I don’t really want to do laundry, either, but it’s better than removing the vestiges of the happiest time of all the year.
I might even clean the oven.